حل مشكلة برنامج وتوشوب An integer between 96 and 8 is required بعد تحديث ويندوز 10 ومشكلة Could not complete the Image Size dommand because there is not enough memory
فى هذا الفيديو سوف نعرض لكم الحل النهائي لمشاكل الفوتوشوب التالية:
1) Could not complete the Image Size dommand because there is not enough memory (RAM).
2) An integer between 96 and 8 is required. Closest value inserted.
هذه المشكلة فى برنامج فوتو شوب يمكن حلها بانشاء
registry d-word 32 bit value
" يرجى نسخ النص التالى OverridePhysicalMemoryMB"
with "decimal base" with a value equivalent to your ram size in megabyte. (I had made mistake in this video and choose "hexadecimal base" instead of decimal but that will also work). For example if you got 2gb ram then you can put the value 2x1024mb=2048 (since 1gb=1024mb). Likewise 4gb=4x1024=4096, 8gb=8x1024=8192, 16gb=16x1024=16384 and so on